Jotta kirjanpidossa jo oleva lasku ei putoa pois kirjanpidosta, ei kirjanpidossa olevaa laskua muokattaessa saisi tallentaa sitä valmiina eli sijoittaa Lähetettävät-välilehdelle.
artoh updated
2 years ago
There is a NAPIIA and NHIA rule that require the full algorithms library to be a dependency to his projects.
I don't think it makes sense to set computed fields. If those are needed, then the algor…
Notifying @howew
For NAACCR 21, NAACCR replaced maiden name by birth surname, but they decided to keep the maiden name field. Which is a weird decision because we can't tell who is going to use wh…
If the NAPIIA algorithm can't compute a result, it returns an empty string in its result object. I don't see any reason for that; "empty" values should be null. That's the case everywhere except in th…