As requested by Pamela Duncan:
> I wonder if we could change the feed from NHS region to Trust instead as I think that is where we are more likely to get stories.
The government [data interface…
Update readme file with a broad description of the initial Shiny app design. Also include details about the Shapefiles we will be using. Initially we will produce a dashboard based on English health g…
Spain is organised in 19 "autonomous communities or cities" (CA): Madrid, Galicia, Andalusia... This corresponds the column "State/Province" of your file `time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv`.
I'm wondering whether the NHS top level operator should be in NSI, as opposed to NHS England/Scotland/Wales/NI or individual health boards, e.g. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, which actually run the s…
Should generate() default to generating numbers that are from the dedicated test range? I.e. 900000000n - 999999999n
It would still create valid NHS numbers, but would remove the risk of using a li…
It would be handy to be able to get a shorter label (NHS, CHI, HSC etc) that identifies the organisation responsible for the provided number when using the NhsNumber class. Currently, if I want to get…
Should we be running simulations for (sub)regions where we haven't got any case data in the database? The case data is used for two things: displaying actual values against those projected by the mode…
Some questions that people might want to answer:
- how do my custom group of CCGs as a whole compare to national trends?
- how do my combined custom group of practices compare to the CCG as a whol…
- Netherlands
- [ ] MedMij - https://medmij.nl/en/home
- UK.
- [ ] https://digital.nhs.uk/developer/api-catalogue?filter=fhir&filter=patient-citizen
- [ ] only 2 that have sandboxes and seem wo…