e.g. https://ocds.panamacompraencifras.gob.pa/Descarga?DateFrom=2023-01-01&DateTo=2023-12-31&FileType=json
Starting to document the migration path to identify anything missing.
Since a lot is missing, maybe we can start by establishing what is NOT planned for libcove2 and should instead be the responsib…
Regarding the international compasrison of countries, a statistics would be beneficial to see what data is available from which countries. I would propose a Table where rows would be OCDS data categor…
Many company's use "Bring Your Own Device" and provide access to their office environment through a VDI (Citrix or Mircosoft Remote Desktop).
In order to sync my calendar events and contacts i would…
The following data is a record package which declares the bids extension and the enquiry extension (although there is a typo in the extension.json url for the enquiry extension): https://public.mtende…
Let's use this issue to log key changes to socialize. We can use Google Docs to collaborate on engagement materials and content.
Based on the [changelog](https://standard.open-contracting.org/stagi…
Background notes on short-form assignment here:
Rough script to generate OCDS records from the clean Compranet data.
Anna has created some notes in Datareef based on recent meeting with Marisa Ramey (OCDS) and South Coast. There are a couple of info sessions coming up put on by Marisa and Declan, one of which Stephe…
Add a note to extensions that are part of 1.2, basically saying to only use them in OCDS 1.1
Already merged, or partially merged
* [ ] Country code
* [ ] Organization scale
* [ ] Tender and co…