As openra support ra2 now.
And its ra2 repo does not contain much code .
So I guess it may be will not take much effort to import ra2 for this project.
reproduce on i686, arch linux, openra 20150919
1. download CD1_ALLIED_DISC.ISO from CNCNZ.com
2. mount it to /mnt (-o loop)
3. delete ~/.openra
4. start openra
5. when asked about content: go with "us…
I had a positive experience from a thread on Github that was about planning the preview video for the June release. Ideas, scripts and feedback was gathered onto one place which enabled me to complete…
my prejs.js:
if (!Module) Module = {};
Module["arguments"] = ["/test.c"];
Module["preInit"] = function() {
FS.createLazyFile('/', "test.c", "test.c", true, false);
test.c (just a cat clo…