See https://openreferral.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
OpenReferral has service_taxonomy to associate taxonomy terms with services, but no provision for taxonomies associated with other objects, such as organizations.
The proposed LGA extension therefo…
**Design specs**
- Articulate the set of user stories that inform Mike’s current proposal.
- Elicit input from community on which of these stories are priorities.
- Elicit input on technical specific…
Existing mapping to infrom and build from - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tszuthH-_xq1vmjOQbUsroGf8R-wScFu6bYhEs9h4eI/edit#gid=910898418
This could support - [Validator - Specification and…
Forum Post - https://forum.openreferral.org/t/forming-a-technical-committee/517
Draft Doc Explaining the Function and Fromation of the committee - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nMe3cIxgIdWVU0JP…
if i write async component, show Vue Warn
async openReferral(mailID) {
let that = this;
let addReferral= async ()=>{return await import('../../referral/ref…
Font selection, colors, etc. are customized on the theme so that the installed theme on a fresh WP install looks very different from OpenReferral.org.
![screen shot 2014-08-24 at 3…
From the API thread at https://github.com/openreferral/api-specification/issues/21
There are cases when addresses, locations (and contact details?) should not be disclosed to protect a service or s…
When hovering over checkboxes or their associated label it would be nice if `cursor:pointer` was added to the checkbox and label so that the hand cursor would show when hovering over these clickable e…
Working with reference to [Populating the Postgres database from OpenReferral-compliant CSV files](https://github.com/codeforamerica/ohana-api/wiki/Populating-the-Postgres-database-from-OpenReferral-c…