See [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/text-analytics/how-tos/text-analytics-how-to-sentiment-analysis?tabs=version-3#opinion-mining)
This feature is still in preview …
**Report by EDWIR:**
Feature request:
Add a recipe to compress/bake 9 bones to coral skeleton/silver sandstone.
This recipe would enable to make currenly tedious to gather silver sand a renewable reso…
Here is the traffic interception log between Stratum V2 Reference Implementation (SRI) and WhatsMiner M30S+
WhatsMiner: {"id": 196, "method": "mining.configure", "params": [["version-rolling"]…
Hi authors and everyone,
Just want to ask whether there is a potential that paramspider can also cover the POST request URLs in it mining.
Hope to receive some opinions soon.
Thank you.
Thanks for your work of combining various mining-related spectral indices.
Since you were insipred by the gathering of spectral indices within a single interface that is Awesome Spectral Ind…
Hiya! Maybe an unpopular opinion, but i think one of the main positive attributes of the Pixie origin was the flight based system not on a stamina scale… being so small with such little hearts, flying…
The [`translation-proxy`](https://github.com/stratum-mining/stratum/blob/main/test/message-generator/test/translation-proxy/translation-proxy.json) MG test displays undeterministic behavior on CI.
Hi, I would like to open a discussion about adding a charging slot to generators.
I think it would be quite useful not to need a whole electrical network with a bat box and switch station... just t…
I see the aspect based opinion mining but couldn't see the sentiment attached to the aspects, I am looking to improve my attention based transformer network for aspect based sentiment mining for each …