how can I write queries with functions like shortestpath or dijkstra or any other orientdb function?
for example, how can I write this query?
`SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10, 'OUT')`
ErrorException in Builder.php line 14:
Declaration of Sgpatil\Orientdb\Eloquent\Builder::has($relation, $operator = '>=', $count = 1, $boolean = 'and', ?Sgpatil\Orientdb\Eloquent\Closure $callback = …
Once the basic `CommandBuilder` is up and running, it's time to play with relationships, edges, and graphs :)
Following a declarative paradigm, the user should _describe_ what all they want and have …
Fatal error: Uncaught PhpOrient\Exceptions\SocketException: socket_read(): unable to read from socket [104]: Connection reset by peer in D:\laragon\www\PhpOrient\src\PhpOrient\Protocols\Binary\OrientS…
"laravel/framework": "5.2._",
"sgpatil/oriquent": "v5.2.0.1"
I'm using Laravel 5.2._ and sgpatil/oriquent v5.2.0.1.
But, when I do this command:
`$user = User::create(['name' => 'Some N…
For instance I want to use Graph DB (OrientDB) for my new Laravel 5.1 based project.
I found OrientDB driver for Laravel - sgpatil/orientdb-laravel-5
But …
Well, I've had some deadlines and personal emergencies the last month, but I've finally scraped through most of it. I have the next couple days to get back to Spider and hope to make some progress.
I know there are a couple people following the development of this repo, so I wanted to mention some things I believe I'll change next week.
1. I am going to rename the repo chrismichaels84/spider (co…
The `Connections\Manager` served its purpose once, but now that so much more is going on, it needs to be refactored into the top-level `Spider\Spider` as a convenient place to store all configs, creat…
recap :
Also another issue I noticed is that graph elements have metaProperties and properties.
Meta properties are things like `id`, `label`, `type`. Properties on the other hand can be anyth…