how can I write queries with functions like shortestpath or dijkstra or any other orientdb function?
for example, how can I write this query?
`SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10, 'OUT')`
ErrorException in Builder.php line 14:
Declaration of Sgpatil\Orientdb\Eloquent\Builder::has($relation, $operator = '>=', $count = 1, $boolean = 'and', ?Sgpatil\Orientdb\Eloquent\Closure $callback = …
Once the basic `CommandBuilder` is up and running, it's time to play with relationships, edges, and graphs :)
Following a declarative paradigm, the user should _describe_ what all they want and have …
I followed the instruction on saving a one to one related vertex found on this article: https://github.com/sgpatil/oriquent/wiki/Relationships
However, there are a lot of issues arising.
1) Class H…
"laravel/framework": "5.2._",
"sgpatil/oriquent": "v5.2.0.1"
I'm using Laravel 5.2._ and sgpatil/oriquent v5.2.0.1.
But, when I do this command:
`$user = User::create(['name' => 'Some N…
Which may be the source of this error?
i have tried to create relation between tow objects like following
$item=new \App\Page();
$item->body="this is body2";
In OrientDB community-2.0 I created 2 classes countries and cities with relation hasOne through Has property. The related record creates and relation exists. However I can't retrieve related record ne…
I get the error in OrientDB server console (see in the bottom) when trying to create relation between country and city. Relation is not created as the result.
I have forked this repository. We are working on a database agnotstic ORM specifically for Graph Databases that is based on Laravel's Eloquent ORM, Schema, Migrations, and Query Builders. Truthfully, …