The documentation for pepper-box describes a novel feature where users can add custom parameters using a prefix of `_` e.g. `_ssl.key.password` (see https://github.com/GSLabDev/pepper-box/blob/4233f83…
Given the following code, a `WordPress.WP.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared` error is raised:
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "
FROM {$wpdb->posts}
WHERE post_type = %s
", $post_type );
Currently the code that is shared for MS Bot Framework is in nodejs. Do you have the code for MS Bot Framework in .net or C#?
From: @kochigami
Pepperなのですが、Naoqiのバージョンが2.5だったのが今年から全員機体交換になり、2.9 (android) になりました。
Some password hashing systems make use of a so-called "pepper". Like a salt,
but there is a single one, stored externally from the password database, and
hopefully in a manner which is as diffic…
Some password hashing systems make use of a so-called "pepper". Like a salt,
but there is a single one, stored externally from the password database, and
hopefully in a manner which is as diffic…
Some password hashing systems make use of a so-called "pepper". Like a salt,
but there is a single one, stored externally from the password database, and
hopefully in a manner which is as diffic…
Some password hashing systems make use of a so-called "pepper". Like a salt,
but there is a single one, stored externally from the password database, and
hopefully in a manner which is as diffic…
Some password hashing systems make use of a so-called "pepper". Like a salt,
but there is a single one, stored externally from the password database, and
hopefully in a manner which is as diffic…
Some password hashing systems make use of a so-called "pepper". Like a salt,
but there is a single one, stored externally from the password database, and
hopefully in a manner which is as diffic…