- [ ] [Bourdeaud’huy, Thomas, Saïd Hanafi, and Pascal Yim. "Mathematical programming approach to the Petri nets reachability problem." European Journal of Operational Research 177.1 (2007): 176-197.](…
The visualizers of Petri nets are quite ugly.
It might be nice to remove the current visualization and support the graphviz based visualization
Thank you very much for developing this tool! We would like to use this tool in our research for Petri Net synthesis. We'd like to know if it is possible to produce free-choice solutions with t…
This might be a vague error, but it's not listed in the known bugs list, and did occur so reporting anyway.
Error: Error executing background job 'Calculating result: petri_net_renderer': java.lang.N…
The Petri net unfolding is at the moment (early Oct 2019) the major bottleneck of the Petri Automizer verifier. The Petri net unfolding seems to be unnecessarily slow.
The following list of observa…
Were changing some aspects of the Petri diagram, tried deleting some elements and resaving the file. Once it was saved I was unable to open it, due to the error of the title popping up.
I happened to…
AlgebraicPetri also compiles ACSets down to functions that can be passed to the `ODEProblem` interface. Petri nets are equivalent to ordinary differential equations that we can write directly as Decap…
It might be interesting to directly plot diagrams or visualize Petri nets in this library.
Interesting related libraries:
- https://github.com/nadavrot/layout (Graphviz graph plots; Good for visua…
Installed a gem. Can not run advanced sample from the read me:
``` ruby
>> require 'y_petri'
include YPetri
A = Place default_marking: 0.5
B = Place default_marking: 0.5
A_pump = Transition s: { A: -…
The goal is to design a UML class diagram and a Petri net illustrating the functionality of an online campus event viewing system. The deliverable will visualize the system’s architecture …