MWPhotoBrowser *photoBrowser = [[MWPhotoBrowser alloc]initWithDelegate:self];
photoBrowser.displayActionButton = YES;
photoBrowser.displayNavArrows = YES;
Hi @mwaterfall
Can we add this to MWPhotoBrowserDelegate
``` objective-c
- (UIBarButtonSystemItem)photoBrowser:(MWPhotoBrowser *)photoBrowser actionButtonSystemItemForPhotoAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index…
I appreciate for the brilliant tinder clone. Everything is okay except that the photo browser gestures are not working. Please fix. I cannot brows photos that belong to the same profile.
@mwaterfall `displaySelectionButtons` is now showing image selection, but I'm unable to figure our how to make only single image selection enable.
Ex: If user selection image 1 then all other images…
I am doing:
[_photoBrowser setCurrentPhotoIndex:newPhotoInd];
UINavigationController *navPhotoBrowser = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:_photoBrowser];
* Framework7 version: 7.0.5
* React.js version: 17.0.2
* Platform and Target: iOS 15.5 Safari browser and Android Browsers (Chrome, Firefox)
* Live Code Link: https://codesandbox.io/s/little-sunset…
I'm trying to present a `UIAlertController` of type `.ActionSheet` from within my current MWPhotoBrowser instance as a pop up view controller.
In the iPhone, this is no problem since the action sheet…
I have in my code a view collection that have each one image. When the user selects the collection cell I open a `IDMPhotoBrowser` and set its `InitialPageIndex` to match the selected cell.
This is t…
items: [
ghost updated
8 years ago