Plugin does not seem to work anymore.
Uncaught TypeError: React.createClass is not a function photomosaic.js:4097
at photomosaic.js:4097
at photomosaic.js:4269
First I thought t…
Hi, I'm new to Hugo and I got the Ananke script from the Quickstart to work then I tried Frhuling. My set up is
cbdasg@cbserver:~/Projects/quickstart$ ls themes/fruhling/
assets exampleSite i18n…
hi , i can't find dataset-small.bin, i was wondering if you can give some basic steps to produce a photomosaic from our own images. thanks.
Hi all,
I have the following problem regarding TagLab. While I was working on a photomosaic map, TagLab froze and subsequently crashed. After trying to restart the software, the python command fiel…
Progress dialogs for:
- open a database
- save a database
- rebuild the photomosaic
- ...
In project **photomosaic.py**, in line 180:
if not reuse_images:
I wonder variable ‘match' is miswritten. it is never defined in codes. But I don't k…
In the "dashboard >> plugins" menu, I click on "Update now" and that seems to run adequately but if I click again on "plugins", the 2.15.3 version's still there, not updated...
## 在跑記憶體檢測時很大一部分是因為GrayImage 的LoadImage出了問題
畢竟DataLoader本身沒有刪除它allocated的momories,可是連接該3D-dinamic array的pointer: pixels已經在GrayImage的destructor delete了....
Hi I really want to take a look the sample you have, but the website link is note working :)