Danke für deine schnelle Antwort. Ich schreibe mal kurz auf deutsch, um Missverständnisse vorzubeugen xD
Ich meinte nicht die awtrix Matrix sondern viel mehr die Cloud, wo unzählige pixelarts verfügba…
Add this to @yhahn's queue.
I am currently working with the [`map_create_pixelart`](https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/5766) tool, which converts a pixelart (png) into quads and wanted to share issues and missing features:
Currently using this patch
diff --git a/fonts/pixelart-icons-font.css b/fonts/pixelart-icons-font.css
index 3b2ebe839370d96bf93ef5ca94a827f07e49378d..103ab4d6b9f3b5c9f41d1407e3cbf4ac392f…
Hey, thanks for the great work.
i have the issue, when i try to send an gif to my Pixoo Max it displays a spinng loading circle and than freezes.
other commands like set brightness are working.
# Tilemap Pixel Art - Ceramic
i'm making pixel art game on PlayN engine, and I noticed what tiny pixelart
looks like a shit, there is no strict boundaries and everything is bluring.
Is it possible to disable this defa…
i'm making pixel art game on PlayN engine, and I noticed what tiny pixelart
looks like a shit, there is no strict boundaries and everything is bluring.
Is it possible to disable this defa…
i'm making pixel art game on PlayN engine, and I noticed what tiny pixelart
looks like a shit, there is no strict boundaries and everything is bluring.
Is it possible to disable this defa…