### Issue description
The executor, when processing an execution, will sometimes create WorkerTaskResult to emulate a task run by the worker
This is the case for example for flowable tasks as they a…
On both Android and iOS sides, the UI is blocked if the image processes are heavy. They need to be shifted to a background thread. Simply change executor on Android to background executor.
### What happened?
It got the following output trying to get the [Quick Start](https://microsoft.github.io/autogen/0.4.0.dev3/user-guide/core-user-guide/quickstart.html) code to work. I made some mi…
### System Info
Hello, the new executor API looks promising, but it's missing a flexible logit postprocessor API -- something that's available in vLLM and most other inference backends.
Attempting to replace [post #8387686](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8387686) by either [URL](https://www.deviantart.com/ikkimay/art/Ying-in-tights-and-a-bikini-894771058) or the "Free download" fil…
llm = LLM(model="./bge-reranker-v2-m3/")
def process_pair(pair):
return llm.reranker([pair])
start = time.time() * 1000
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8) as executor:
### Operating System
Other Linux (please specify below)
### Other Linux
Oracle Linux 8
### Workflow Version
### Workflow Execution
Command line (Cluster)
### Other workflow execution
From scheduling, node assigned not expired.
It should not update the volume
[rank0]: Traceback (most recent call last):
[rank0]: File "/data/chuzuowei/chem/Vary-main/MU-GOT/pdf2txt.py", line 1, in
[rank0]: from PDF_parsing import pdf2md, vllm_got, process_md
Hi @tsung-wei-huang and Taskflow Team,
I've been experimenting with a custom wrapper class that integrates with Taskflow, aiming to create a monad-like pipeline for data processing. Here is a simpl…