Currently, this repo has UPPMAX as the owner, hence the `UPPMAX` in `https://github.com/UPPMAX/programming_formalisms`. With that owner, the content for the DOI of this repo needs to updated manually …
We do have all our confidences collected. This may help us improve our sessions.
Graphs can be found at https://github.com/UPPMAX/programming_formalisms/tree/main/evaluations/2024_autumn :+1:
On November 26th, 3 days ago, a new release of this course came out: https://github.com/UPPMAX/programming_formalisms/releases/tag/v0.8.1
There are, however, quite some folders we do not use. I sug…
**[Edit by RB: currently, there are multiple documents that contain the requirements for the project. For the project, however, we want to have only one. The Requirements Engineer decides]**
The re…
I/we enjoy references to the literature.
The [main git book](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2) does not, however, help to answer the 'why' behind the practices we teach.
However, a search through…
Share your GitHub username here and we'll add you to the team :-)
This is needed to work on the learners' project at https://github.com/programming-formalisms/programming_formalisms_project_autumn_…
To join the [Programming Formalisms 2023 autumn team](https://github.com/orgs/programming-formalisms/teams/2023_autumn), post your GitHub username (or any text :-) ) here.
However, don't do it here, go to [here](https://github.com/programming-formalisms/programming_formalisms_project_autumn_2024/issues/1) :-)
One of the things that I think is missing from this codex is [David Harel's](https://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~harel/) research on visual formalisms, statecharts, live sequence charts, ect. and all o…
This course if part of NBIS. NBIS uses a standarized short-term evaluation form.
I suggest to consider using it.
Here it is as an attachment:
- [NBIS SHORTerm Feedback (STF) Survey informatio…