Hey! @auphelia I saw you were the most recent individual to update the tfc end2end example. I have a ZU board and was interested in expanding the ZynqBuild function to be able to run and eventually c…
In the repository it is:
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 8 -waveforem {0 4} [get_nets clk];
but must be
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 8 -waveform {0 4} [get_nets clk];
As discussed in [this thread](https://discuss.pynq.io/t/pynq-rfsoc-workshop-image-3-0-1-for-zcu111-does-not-contain-the-notebooks/7521) on the PYNQ forum, this repo no longer installs properly on the …
I am currently running two workers on two different hosts. When I print the client information, I can see that both workers are successfully connected to the Dask scheduler. I believe I have sourced…
I tried to build PYNQ image for my Zedboard+AD9361, but occured lots of error, sometimes I can't fix it, it had bothered me for two months. Can u share your image to me? I would be super grateful if y…
Thank you for providing the image file, which is easy to use. I am building an image system by porting my own display circuit and Pcam5C control to PYNQ.
I went further and connected a WEBCAM (a ge…
**Environment (please complete the following information):**
- Project to build:PYNQ image v3.0
- Petalinux version:2022.1
- HDL branch:2022_R2
- META-ADI branch:2022_R2
- Using meta-adi pet…
Hey, @petrohi from the [tensil.ai benchmarks](https://www.tensil.ai/docs/reference/benchmarks/), I learned that you can run YoloV4-Tiny on Pynq-z1. I was trying to recreate this on Pynq-z2 using the a…
Should we only use pynq z2 board or we can even include rasberry pi ,arduino for the Xilinx Innovation Challenge conducted by Kshitij 2019
### Environment
* FPGA board: PYNQ Z2
* TVM commit: [6ae2961](https://github.com/apache/tvm/commit/6ae29610a531cea66e94f8bdcf96f2c5cbdb3bf9)
* Host sytem: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
### Steps to reprodu…