Mobile Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for NOMA Networks: Federated Learning Approaches. (arXiv:2105.09462v1 [cs.NI])
A novel framework of reconfigurable intelligent surface…
Dear Professor,
Thank you very much for sharing the code for the reproducible research, I have a question about the paper ''Rayleigh Fading Modeling and Channel Hardening for Reconfigurable Intelli…
You may consider to add codes that relate to two of my publications at IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
## Keyword: sgd
There is no result
## Keyword: optimization
### Multi-Target Decision Making under Conditions of Severe Uncertainty
- **Authors:** Authors: Christoph Jansen, Georg Schollmeyer, Thoma…
### GHEPI use case - Injection moulding sector
The goal is to demonstrate that an effective solution of human-machine mutualism and dynamic intrinsic job rotation through easy uptake of an AI-based k…