I no longer have the time to maintain or contribute to HTGDB. Would someone else be interested in becoming a maintainer of this project?
One of the FIT3170 projects includes a student team recruitment platform: Inspo: https://github.com/Monash-FIT3170/Onboarder
We'll need to complete the following tasks in order as below:
- [x] Check …
### Describe the feature request.
One or more user accounts on the Analytical Platform for use by non-MoJ users for the purposes of technical assessments used in recruitment.
The requirements would i…
Tracker for research recruitment.
🔐 Original FRA contacts excel sheet/tracker is found on Mattermost / Raft Sharepoint to protect participant identity
- [x] Researc…
This is borderline I'm unsure about this one but it would be very effective if done well and in reality causes no harm to anyone and in fact the types of people that generally respond well to these ty…
## ♻️ Debt
Now that we have the new applicant dashboard, we don't need the list of recruitment processes anywhere else. Time for the 🪓!
## 📸 Screenshot
- Widen look of pathology cases beyond the prior year. Also, include results from pathology-confirmed metastatic prostate cancer patients.
- Apply Urology's metastatic algorithm + immunotherapy (Pem…
### 🔗 [블록 이동하기](https://school.programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/60063)