Documentation says to update file src/resources/application.yaml. However, such path doesn't exist. Instead there are
Eduardos-MBP:refarch-cloudnative-micro-socialreview edu$ find . -name applicati…
Successfully ran locally, could not push to BM
**Command to push**
rolands-mbp:refarch-cloudnative-mysql Roland$ docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/$(cf ic namespace get)/mysql:cloudnative
The push…
The Istio site mentions that [helm installation](
https://istio.io/docs/setup/install/helm/) is being deprecated.
Also the ibm charts for Istio are a little outdated.
Instructions page to updat…
- Parity with Spring implementation
- Highlight MicroProfile integration with Istio where appropriate
- Traffic management and MP Fault Tolerance
- Security and MP JWT
- Telemetry and …
The BlueCompute existing DevOps pipeline is built on community Jenkins, we need to consider:
- Using OpenShift Jenkins
- Using Tekton.
Need to work with Hollis.
We discovered that JWTs created by Spring apps won't work with microservices secured with MP JWT. MP and Liberty appear to have a strict(er) interpretation of the specifications compared to Spring.
Step 3 says
docker exec -it mysql sh load-data.sh
The script is in the scripts/, so the instructions should say
cd scripts
sh scripts/load-data.sh
I'm looking for a guide that would show how some (most? all?) of the MicroProfile components could work together within an application or microservice. One of the first guides developed showed how t…
1. using the bluecompute helm repository at: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ibm-cloud-architecture/refarch-cloudnative-kubernetes/master/docs/charts/bluecompute-ce
to deploy on ICP with default s…
- Use Appsody `java-openliberty` stack
- Update the Customer app to use the microprofile version that matches the current appsody stack.
Repo - https://github.com/ibm-garage-ref-storefront/customer-…