So first off, thanks for this amazing work!
I noticed that inputting a multilayer exr will output a multilayer EXR with some of the same channels (names are the same, but not all channels are there…
here a list of cool apps from avlinux distro
Alsamixer (mixer for the Alsa sound server)
Ardour (digital audio workstation)
Audacity (audio recorder and editor)
Avidmux (video editor)
Cinelerra-GG (…
It looks like Oidn doesn't work with Bidirectional path tracing renderings (with Metropolis sampler and spectral rendering) like this one:
Liveblogger: [Farhan Attamimi](twitter.com/attfarhan)
# Painting with Light
This talk covers rendering images using path tracing in Go, explores tradeoffs between concurrency schemes f…