> I played with this a little while ago. Instead of relying on add-javascript (which, if I understand it correctly, has to be the last form executed in a Jupyter cell for it to work), I wrote some cod…
### Is it an issue related to Adaptive Cards?
### Is this an accessibility issue?
### What version of Web Chat are you using?
Latest production
### Which distribution are you using Web Cha…
#### ALL software version info
Panel 0.12
Python 2
Jupyter Lab 3
#### Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior
When trying to load requirejs with panel, it is not loaded corre…
On a Synology 1821 with the newest DSM I am running several containers behind traefik and crowdsec. Now I try to get pgadmin running,also with the help of CHAT GPT, but with no success. I receive the …
### 💻
- [ ] Would you like to work on this feature?
### What problem are you trying to solve?
My organization has a large repository of javascript libraries that we use in front end development. Th…
The plugin fails one of the core Moodle tests. Tested in Moodle 3.9. See below.
There was 1 failure:
1) core_requirejs_testcase::test_requirejs
Failed asserting that '/var/www/moodle39/fi…
So I ran into a issue where I had to load your plugin with requirejs and provide the angular functionality.
Here's my (more hacked) solution:
[ng-socket repository fork](https://github.com/Cyruxx/ng-…
When I use RequireJs in my project under this framework! I found a error, in a js file which name is "mobile-angular-ui.core.js". The line of 832 in this file, you wrote these
`// AMD. Register as a…
I noticed requirejs is a dependency, but I don't see where it is used. Perhaps there was a thought of using it, but it didn't materialize? (`npm uninstall requirejs` .. site runs fine without it, so…