On my android phone Ruggear RG160 the usage of dpad is preferable, as no touch screen at all and the touch emulation is not easy to use. So in this game it's possible move and choose the step with dpa…
The AI sometimes selects surprisingly bad moves. Then, when I switch on the practice mode to review the game, it turns out that it knew, at the same search depth, that the move was bad, often by a mar…
Could e6f4e3d6c5f3f5f6d7 and rotational and symmetrical equivalents be named "Luke" in the opening database? It currently doesn't have a name.
Could you add this app on fdroid?
Reversatile version 1.4.14
When pasting a (finished) game sequence, fast backwards to first move and eveluating per next move basis, Reversatile on android crashes with certain move sequences. I c…
- [x] https://github.com/aloisdeniel/awesome-monogame
- [x] https://github.com/Apostolique/Apos.Gui
- [x] https://github.com/asweigart/PythonStdioGames
- [x] https://github.com/azhirnov/FrameGraph
When working on https://github.com/panstromek/zebra-rs, I found bunch of bugs in the original zebra by fuzzing them together.
I fixed them in my fork here https://github.com/panstromek/zebra, it'd …
DroidZebra could profit greatly from a copy/paste function which would allow pasting standard movesets for faster game analysis.
Is there something I need to do to to enable the emulator to run with travis-CI?
My builds seem to stop at this point, and then time…
Insti updated
5 years ago
We're currently have `minSdkVersion 14`
Can you see from the install stats if anyone is running it on old devices?
How much effort do we want to put into staying compatible?
This page shows …
Insti updated
5 years ago