![Othello (board game) free icon 1](https://github.com/asherbillinkoff/reversi/assets/109813330/6a81a9e9-2001-457a-b2d2-a91c61f54ee9)
Članovi tima: Nikola Sovilj, SW75/2019, grupa 5
Asistent: Milica Škipina
Problem koji se rešava: Implementacija bota koji u ovoj igri pronalazi niz najpovoljnijih poteza u skladu sa datom situac…
The NWS_STABILITY_THRESHOLD table is used in endgame.c, NWS_endgame routine, but isn't defined anywhere.
The board_solve() routine is not visible from endgame_sse.c
But it is defined as static in endgame.c
The best solution is probably to define it as inline in a header, for instance board.h
Nice work on the tic-tac-toe game developed! I am willing to contribute to a even more sophisticated board game base on this repo's infrastructure.
### Summary
### Purpose
- モデレーションが大変になる
- 煽りを助長する可能性がある
- あとそもそもリアクションの絵文字を選んでる時間がない
### Do you want to im…
pnpm run build-misskey-js-with-types
> misskey@2024.5.0 build-misskey-js-with-types /home/kisaragi/WebstormProjects/misskey
> pnpm build-pre && pnpm --filter backend... --filter=!misskey-js b…
This app produces lots of `java.lang.ClassCastException`.
package proscalafx.ch04.reversi.ui
import proscalafx.ch04.reversi.model.{Black, Owner, ReversiModel, White}
import scalafx.Includes._
AlphaBetaEvaluationSimpleAI#eval may return EvalResult object with Position=null.