Hi there! I stumbled upon your delta encoding implementation for browsers when creating [my own service worker](https://github.com/wmsmacdonald/delta-cache-browser) and [Express plugin](https://github…
[RFC 3229 - Delta encoding in HTTP](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3229) is a standard for just this use-case. Why not use the existing standard instead of making a new one?
1. https://github.com/gmetais/sw-delta (announcement https://twitter.com/gaelmetais/status/760446075719127040)
1. https://github.com/wmsmacdonald/delta-cache-browser (this one uses RFC 3229)
Both …
## 如何让HTTP的访问速度加快?
- HTTP访问的架构图
- tcp、IP层优化路由拥塞等
- 让连接尽可能传更多的数据:SPDY
- 减小RTT,减少请求:combo
- 减少响应应时间:cache
- 减小HTTP的回复大小:压缩
## 如何减小HTTP的回复?
- gzip
- vcdiff
- sdch
- Railgun
## RFC 3284
- Vcdiff = Vdelta …
Especially nightlies could benefit, both server&client-side.
You might achieve better file sizes by using a binary format. Instead of using numbers and `+`/`-` for the metadata, have a bitfield for the combination of operation + offset + number of characters to…
If you try to fetch a feed that is redirected to another URL, and then the feed
has not been modified such that the redirected request returns status 304, the
result returned by parse has status…
If you try to fetch a feed that is redirected to another URL, and then the feed
has not been modified such that the redirected request returns status 304, the
result returned by parse has status…
If you try to fetch a feed that is redirected to another URL, and then the feed
has not been modified such that the redirected request returns status 304, the
result returned by parse has status…
If you try to fetch a feed that is redirected to another URL, and then the feed
has not been modified such that the redirected request returns status 304, the
result returned by parse has status…