We need to ask Luc for the raw versions (Rmds) of the following tutorials, so we can update and enhance them for the last part of the tutorials:
- Cluster Analysis (1), PCA - [live](https://geodace…
going through the instructions to set up a dashboard, and I really like how they start with instructions for setting up the repo, and then transition into instructions for making changes in the `_conf…
kweav updated
2 months ago
1. `master` will have a folder called `answers/`
2. Move Rmds with completed exercises to `answers/`
3. Rmds in `/` will have answers stripped out.
Use .Rmds, not word docs :)
@slucey @sgaichas @MaC-Perez @CataRoman @seschiano @MaxGrezlik
The herring and haddock Rmds have been updated and contain code for applying the single HCR to both haddock and herring individually.…
File to edit: https://github.com/rstudio-education/stat545/blob/master/links.md (must be viewed on GitHub as raw to see the contents! See [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rstudio-education/sta…
How many apps/rmds can we do under our "paid" plan @jonthegeek ?
the following code
# fig.align argument is not supported in Word (align in template docx)
if (knitr::opts_knit$get('rmarkdown.pandoc.to') == 'latex'){
opts_chunk$set(fig.align = "center")
`Bus 003 Device 005: ID 04a9:1802 Canon, Inc. TS5000 series
http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/rmds/ij/ijd/ijdupdate/1802.xml not found
Ilia1 updated
3 years ago
I have the problem that I want to reproduce a research project that was created with `repro` on a computer that does not have Make and Docker. Could we have something like an emergency repro mode that…