### Expected result
If `sf data upsert bulk` ran async/timed out I should be able to resume the operation by running `sf data upsert resume --use-most-recent` but that doesn't work, looks like the ca…
### What would you like to happen?
Improve current Salesforce transforms by adding the usage of bulk APIs to speedup the operations
This issue is to do a deep docs review on Salesforce. I expect to contribute heavily to this myself.
good examples
* state mutation JSdocs
* careful consistent language
* http h…
Past records compiled into CSV format for bulk upload into SalesForce.
Coordinate with Beth and Connor for proper specs.
### Issue submission checklist
When filing your issue please make an attempt to troubleshoot a little bit on your own. If your issue is specifically related to a query, but please consider using th…
Hi there.
I'm working with Bulk API 2.0 Query right now - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_asynch.meta/api_asynch/query_get_job_results.html
And I need header Sforce-Locator to…
2 solutions :
annon apex
select ressource then
option 2:
bulk api hard delete :
Mapping for an object using the Salesforce adaptor that has a relationship with another object(`Openfn_Project__r`) no longer works as per below:
`'OpenFn_Project__r.Metrics_ID__c': 'id_value'`
I just noticed that my bulk client is using API version 32. I took a look on this repo and I see that the API version was updated to 46, but I don't see those changes in the files that gem i…
If you want to 'OR' the clause array you send over to the salesforce 'GET' endpoints, you're SOL. We currently hard code like this:
def whereify(self, array, object):
out = ""