This crate is currently incomptatible with the git version of `screeps-game-api`. How may I use with it?
I used this map tool to generate terrain for my server using the screepers launcher thing.
However, for some reason, something involving WorldGridData was trying to index an undefined variable. I w…
I found there are four default bots inside xxscreeps, how can I add and delete the bot?
Working on it for some time, it still needs to be better.
Code climate is a got point to have a look.
Basically it is reducing complexity and length of functions and splitting up large files into sm…
Pretty self explanatory. Directly encouraged by the [docs](https://docs.screeps.com/gl…
If a bot signs controllers and you delete the bot the signs remain with no user variable. Referencing these controllers causes errors until the sign object is deleted
## Version **6.24.1** of [babel-types](https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-types) just got published.
Build failing 🚨
## Version **6.22.1** of [babel-traverse](https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-traverse) just got published.
Build failing 🚨
As per PR #113 and PR #114, but I am splitting this into a new issue for discussion.
Testing frameworks and tools are useful for mature codebases, but cause installation issues and present a hurdl…
## Version **2.2.0** of [codecov](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node) just got published.
Build failing 🚨