We need a sequence diagram describing the entire flow
we can start in this issue using mermaid or plantuml
here an example as template
we need three entities
1. RP (requesting X.509 Certi…
As is mentioned in the textbook, the _lined arrowhead_ is out of scope
Basically, all of the sequence …
In the following sequence diamgram, Person object did not return control back to PutOrderCommand, after the Person.putOrder(Order) method is called, and there was no activation bar shown as well
In the following sequence diamgram, Person object did not return control back to PutOrderCommand, after the Person.putOrder(Order) method is called, and there was no activation bar shown as well
The lifeline is not aligned appropriately with the activity bar in the loo…
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 173259.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2113-AY2425S1/pe/master/files/98c436e9-05b5-46bb-8d76-1b8a82f316b5.png)
Unsure of why the specific example input for parseI…
Overall, the add-category sequence diagram is well done but it could get q…