### Jenkins and plugins versions report
Jenkins: 2.462.3
OS: Windows Server 2022 - 10.0
Java: 17.0.11 - Oracle Corporation (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM)
I'm trying to create an agent.
. | Version
--- | ---
Jenkins | 2.426.3
Python | 3.12.7
api4jenkins | 2.0.3
My code is:
from api4jenkins import Jenkins
j = Jenkins(url_…
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
Jenkins: 2.462.2
OS: Linux - 5.15.0-122-generic
Java: 17.0.12 - Eclipse Adoptium (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
I am using Gitlab 14.0.12 and Jenkins 2.400. GitLab Branch Source Plugin Version660.vd45c0f4c0042 installed. When using any of the logins, it gives me the same error. When I went through and tried see…
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
Jenkins: 2.400
OS: Windows Server 2019 - 10.0
Java: 12.0.2 - Oracle Corporation (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
- [ ] Not REKT
- [x] REKT
- [x] REKTangle
- [x] SHREKT
- [x] REKT-it Ralph
- [x] Total REKTall
- [x] The Lord of the REKT
- [x] The Usual SusREKTs
- [x] North by NorthREKT
- [x] REKT to the Future
- […
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
Jenkins version: 2.426.3
GitLab Branch Source Plugin version: 702.v7dde70ed1522
GitLab API Plugin version: 5.3.0-91.v1f9a…
I would expect with a yaml:
systemMessages: "Jenkins configured automatically by Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin\n\n"
I'll get a warning from dryrun saying the file is…
The check 'Stapler: Missing permission check` creates false positives if the permission check is hidden in a facade.
Example (https://github.com/jenkinsci/prism-api-plugin/security/code-scanning/7…