## 问题描述
运行环境,aarch64, torch是cpu版本,2.5.1和1.10.2都失败,同样的报错
PaddlePaddle = 2.6.1:
X2Paddle = 1.5.0
- 错误信息
- warnings.warn(
Fail to generate inference model!…
作者你好,你的代码是使用pip安装,而非源码安装。所以我在修改模型,比如将swintransformer修改为其他模型时,会报错‘XX’ is not int the models registry 。如果是源码安装的话,通过python setup.py install可以解决。所以有几个问题烦请解答。
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "[train.py](http://train.py/)", line 19, in
from mmdet3d.models import build_detector
File "/home/user6/LYS/EA-LSS-main/mmdet3d/models/init.py", line 1, in …
When I debug for /detection/tools/train.py file, there has an error "'SwinTransformer is not in the backbone registry'". It this caused by version of mmdet or mmcv-full?
Following is my environment :…
Thanks for the great work. I want to convert bevfusion swinT+voxelnet model to onnx and evaluate the performance.
I trained my bevfusion model with bevfusion/configs/nuscenes/det/transfusion/se…
i try this swintransformer on deeplabv3 (https://github.com/VainF/DeepLabV3Plus-Pytorch), errors are found:
Exception has occurred: EinopsError
Error while processing rearrange-reduction pattern …
from swintransformer import SwinTransformer
model = SwinTransformer('swin_tiny_224', num_classes=1000, include_top=True, pretrained=False)
Some modules are imported from `timm` in [`backbone/Swin_Transformer.py`](https://github.com/JDAI-CV/FaceX-Zoo/blob/2f97a0ef2dafcd772e244f186e44b8d684fcdddc/backbone/Swin_Transformer.py#L11). B…
Do `SwinTransformer` based models get the `112 x 112` images as their input (like all other models)? or do they get `224 x 224` images?
PS. While in [Step1: Prepare the training data](https:…
- SwinTransformer_Layer包含了PatchEmbed和SwinTransformerblock吗?
- 很期望提供下这部分代码