### Describe the doc issue
The doc https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d7/d1b/group__imgproc__misc.html#gaa9e58d2860d4afa658ef70a9b1115576 mentions that in simple thresholding, all the pixels greater than th…
Functions [`nilearn.glm.threshold_stats_img`](https://nilearn.github.io/modules/generated/nilearn.glm.threshold_stats_img.html#nilearn.glm.threshold_stats_img) and [`nilearn.image.threshold_img`](http…
### What kind of feature would you like to request?
Additional function parameters / changed functionality / changed defaults?
### Please describe your wishes
First thank you for the amazing …
Hi there, I was having some problems with thresholding using this plugin.
I work with mitochondrial images, and I have used several different plugins in the past to measure them. However, I saw the …
Are there explainers on how each of these methods vary in quality?
- Smoothed Energy Guidance
- Semantic CFG
- Perturbed Attention Guidance
- CFG Interval / CFG Scheduler ("Clamp")
Bonus: what …
In light of #87 and recent work on cfDNA internucleosomal methylation, does it make sense to have a feature in modkit that samples a position-dependent methylation calling threshold?
If something l…
A descendant of Sauvola.
Need to validate how many motifs is the correct number of motifs
Hi, I'm trying to use MRlap to support my findings. When using function 'TwosampleMR', more than 100 snps remained, but error occurred when running IVW MR using 'MRlap' as "no IV left after threshold…
Big fan of the project!
I was wondering whether it would be possible to implement a thresholding option in the plotting functions (e.g. plot_glass_brain) with which you can render all values b…