Objetivo: https://plan.org.br/fundo-acelere-o-relogio/
Quem eu sou?
Enderson Menezes, atualmente como Sênior SRE na Stone e ajudando a Codaqui com coisas burocráticas, projetos de DevOps e eventos.
Currently, I use the example/libritts/cosyvoice/run.sh script to train the model. I found that libritts is an all-English dataset. If I need to train a new mixed Chinese and English voice model, can I…
Investigate if it is worthwhile to replace `tools.logging` with [Timbre](https://github.com/taoensso/timbre?tab=readme-ov-file). Although Timbre can function as a backend for `tools.logging`, it does…
Any guidance on how to fine tune the flow matching model on custom timbre?
On v5, this line of code (https://github.com/fzakaria/slf4j-timbre/blob/master/src/slf4j_timbre/factory.clj#L15) outputs:
(require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
=> nil
(= timbre/*config* (v…
Hello there ! is it possible to have the Waveforms Engine to be updated to the this alternative cool firmware code from Braids Renaissance ( https://burns.ca/eurorack.html ) for its new great modes
Because the model can understand so well the emotion, style, timbre tone, maybe it could learn singing as well ?
Have you tried to train it on a singing dataset, or is there any plan to do it ?
I replicated the results of VITS and Matcha-TTS on a single speaker Chinese dataset and found that the timbre similarity of Matcha-TTS is lower than that of VITS, especially in the high-frequency deta…
# Task Name
Music instrument timbre transfer
## Task Objective
Timbre transfer is a music editing technique that aims to convert the sound produced by one instrument so that it resembles the …
My understanding is that the timbre conversion of this project is a model trained in advance, which can only convert a timbre, instead of providing an audio, it can extract the timbre and clone it, ri…