## 前言
TypeScript 的官方文档早已更新,但我能找到的中文文档都还停留在比较老的版本。所以对其中新增以及修订较多的章节进行了翻译整理。
我同时搭建了 TypeScript 中文站点: [https://ts.yayujs.com](https://ts.yayujs.com) ,正是因为我亲自翻译过,所以我认为这是国内最好的系统学习 TS 的教程之一。
本篇翻译整理自 TypeS…
### Description
- I use `svelte-check` with a custom --tsconfig path. However, the VSCode extension uses the default one (tsconfig.json)
### Proposed solution
Add an extension configuration to set …
It would be awesome if this lib were typed 😎

I saw that there are TypeScript types:
. While this is fine for small com…
Migrate all scripts from javascript to typescript.
For a pure stats purpose :
* 94 js files for 4700 codes lines
* 197 vue files, for 12,800 code lines (but probably only a third of js)
Do you plan supporting it (`@types/redux-data-structures`), rewrite the library on TS or accepting a pull request that refactors it on TS?
Hi there 👋
This library is useful, but as a TypeScript consumer it'd be even more useful if it had typings/was strongly typed! It also lets editors like VS Code and WebStorm autocomplete usages of…