Unlike other browser, Safari seems to create a separate text renderer element for each text node when created with [document.createTextNode](https://github.com/tameemsafi/typewriterjs/blob/29d0af0835c…
Switching browser tabs while printing will stop printing. How can we achieve normal printing even if the current tab is not in focus until the text printing ends
> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-add-typewriter-effect-in-next-js/
> https://codepen.io/cyrilvernier/pen/wvwZBaq
> https://github.com/tameemsafi/typewriterjs
I have a project that uses Vite with Typescript. When I install TypewriterJs through then I can't import it because Typewriter is no where to be found.
I have noticed an issue with the ampersand character.
If I write this :
`const mytypeWTtxt = new Typewriter('#myDiv', { string: 'business & Co', autostart: true });`
TypewriterJS will correctl…
Typewriter effect does not join letters correctly when using iPhone and RTL Languages as shown in the image below
However it works for Desktop with LTR and RTL , for Android with LTR and RTL and…
I am not going to create a pull request for this branch as the code is not in top shape but the overall idea is in my fork and could work as an inspiration
When a soft hyphen (`­`) is rendered by `typeString()`, it correctly breaks the word at the specified point (if needed), but it doesn’t draw the hyphen itself. Have a look at this [example](https:…
Add the animation for the title changing languages
$ curl -s 'https://api.cdnjs.com/libraries' | jq -r .results[].name | xargs -I{} -n1 -P 10 bash -c 'F="$(mktemp)"; trap "rm -f "${F}"" EXIT; S="$(curl --silent --output "${F}" --write-out "%{http…