I'm not able to access https://building3d.ucalgary.ca/, there is something wrong with the server.
It seems like Fall/Winter courses aren't getting updated, the scraper probably broke.
TODO: Explore if we can use UCalgary's VSB in order to extract course data.
Hi all,
This is probably more of a question than an issue and my apologies if this is not the best forum for this question.
I'm trying to deploy a minid server to mint my own minids however when usi…
**These apps don't work on Ucalgary**
- [ ] `content/vectors/addition/simulate/threevec` _(page browser)_
- [ ] `content/vectors/addition/simulate/twomethods` _(page browser)_
- [ ] `content/ve…
I'm working the UCalgary on the Candig stack (just back from sick leave), and would like to offer some help in containerizing the entire deployment and build process.
Right now, CanDIG relies on lo…
conference page: https://asonam.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/2023/
deadlines: https://asonam.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/2023/keydates.html#main-research-track
looks like abstract on June 23
Paper on June 30
In the corpus specifications, the attribute limitedAccess determines whether access authorization, and thus user authentication is needed.
Of known Korp instances, the Swedish Language Bank (Språkb…
a meta-site around UCalgary's Github repos?
.ZachTFL2019 shows a horizontal line below the premise (as it should) but .ZachTFL does not.
Task 2 :please watch 2nd recording as first is overtime
NOTE: to go to the 2nd recording please press fast forward button displayed at the bottom.