### 重要的资料
* [x] Udacity 课程 Styleguide: https://github.com/udacity/frontend-nanodegree-styleguide-zh
* [x] Project Specification: https://review.udacity.com/#!/rubrics/15/view
* [x] Project Guide:…
优雅的提交你的 Git Commit Message https://juejin.im/post/5afc5242f265da0b7f44bee4
Git 提交信息样式指南 https://github.com/udacity/frontend-nanodegree-styleguide-zh/blob/master/%E5%89%8D%E7%AB%AF%E5%B7%A5%E7%A8%8B%E…
## 一般流程
0. 发言 kindness
1. 阅读 rubric,明确所有硬性要求
2. 下载项目
I was thinking for when this list gets longer, it may be helpful to have people grouped by some common factor. At first I was thinking current title, but that may not be relevant since some people may…
# Object Oriented JavaScript OOJ
* 课程链接:https://classroom.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd001-cn-advanced/syllabus
* 优达学习之道:https://discussions.youdaxue.com/t/udacity-jedi/2319
* [Udacity 课程 Styleguid…
Link to the first part of a tutorial on the next line
## Expected result
- [ ] …
1. Work
2. Learn
* 第一篇博客:#138
* 第二篇博客:#141
### Tasking
* [x] 阅读需求,Tasking 并估时(30min)
* [x] 使用 `ghi` 为对应 tasking 创建 issue(10min)
* [x] 把游戏克隆到本地,并用 IDE 打开(3-5min)
* 基础设施
* [x] 持续集成流水线 Travis (10min)
* […
I would love to be able to organize my repositories within folders. Right now, when someone views my list of repositories, there is a mix of client side and server side and various technologies. Wit…