### team
### corresponding
### tasks
### members
- Daniel Benedí, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Amalia Duch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Edelmira Pasare…
## 一言でいうと
Image Captionのように、料理の画像からレシピを生成するという研究。直接の生成は難しいので、画像をEncodeしたのち一旦材料の予測(Decode)を行い、予測した材料のEncode+画像のEncodeで手順の生成を行なっている。
Hi @xavigiro. Will there be a 2018 edition of this course? Thanks!
I am working on a ubuntu machine and I have done all the necessary steps given in the following link
http://stp.github.io. The given link of STP in the doc is wrong.After cloning the repo I don't qu…
Hi Jordi and Xisco,
it seems that the access to jorditorres.org has fallen, so my students cannot read your tutorials on Python and Jupyter. Could you please check it up ?
In particular, they ar…
At http://schema.rdfs.org/ website I could find different format files in which schema.org terms are represented. However, those files do not have the latest version of schema.org available.
For inst…
ML2CPP can generate specific C++ code with RISC-V extensions allowing all scikit-learn, pytorch, caret ML models to be deployable natively on this platform.
RISC-V extensions have the advantage t…
Affiliation: TradeHeader
Manuel Martos is the Chief Technology Officer at Tradeheader, a global consulting firm specializing in financial standards, training and software development. With ov…
I am trying to get the latest firmware update on my flysky fs-i6, but when i connect to a com port, for me thats com 1, it won't show what version of firmware im using. When i click "program" …
Concerning the problems detected by @AlejandroCornejo and me in #3647, I have seen that those problems were solved by storing the names of the variables instead of copies of the variables themselves.