### Describe the bug
hung when I fire `:call denops#request("hoge", "hung_dispatch")` that denops plugin's dispatch
### Provide a minimal vimrc with less than 50 lines to reproduce
#### denops p…
(I faced this issue for about a month)
Maybe after denops v7 released, this error happens and I cannot type anything without restarting my neovim.
18:24:28 msg_show Error executing lua callback…
### Describe the bug
Related #267.
"local to tab page" options has `getBuffer()` method.
There is also `getWindow()` etc. methods.
import { cmdheight } from "jsr:@denops/std/option";
Milly updated
2 months ago
# Problems summary
When calling `ddc#get_previewer({item})` while configuring `lspEngine: 'vim-lsp'`,
`getPreviewer` does not work due to timeout.
## Expected
It gets additional information for …
k-86 updated
5 months ago
`@molt/action` In github action in [Denops.vim (eb9ef6a)](https://github.com/vim-denops/denops.vim/tree/eb9ef6a6a43475f9a2b3cdfa682aa6887169a50c):
Milly updated
3 months ago
Not working comands(I only tried these ones):
- `:DockerImages`
- `:e docker://images`
Error messages
[denops] NotFound: No such file or directory (os error 2)
[denops] at Object.conne…
### Feature already in Vim?
Kinda. `ch_open`, `sockconnect` alternative of Vim, has `close_cb`
### Feature description
I'd like to detect TCP disconnection to automatically reconnect. In shor…
Originally, the [`helper/echo` function](https://deno.land/x/denops_std@v5.0.1/helper/mod.ts?s=echo) was designed as a workaround for a the following limitation in Vim.
> Vim (not Neovim) won't sho…
There seems to be a memory leak in the denops server
This is all that init.vim does
let g:denops_server_addr = ''
set runtimepath+=~/.cache/nvim/dein/repos/github.com/vim-deno…