Hello everybody!
I updated the VisionFive2 Software from v2.10.4 to v3.8.2.
As OS I used an SD card with this image: https://nightly.ipfire.org/next/latest/riscv64/
Bootlog of v2.10.4:
Should I update uboot?
luyahan@luyahandeMacBook-Pro /dev % minicom -D /dev/tty.usbserial-A50285BI -b 115200
Welcome to minicom 2.8
Compiled on Oct 24 2022, 11:16:41.
Port /dev/t…
Thanks for the Ubuntu image. I successfully got it working with my VisionFive 2 board. I'm just wondering whether you can provide instructions on how to build a new image. I'd like to build new images…
Especially RISC-V64.
There is some expectation of adding support for the new RISCV architecture, even though it is an emulated environment for example QEMU.
Hi there,
Is there manual to install Ubuntu 23.10 (see https://ubuntu.com/download/risc-v) on Milk-V? I tried "StarFive VisionFive 2" image (`ubuntu-23.10-preinstalled-server-riscv64+visionfive2.img`…
ww898 updated
10 months ago
### Describe the issue
I am trying to build onnxruntime for a RISCV target platform ([LicheeRV Nano](https://wiki.sipeed.com/hardware/en/lichee/RV_Nano/1_intro.html)). I have succeeded the built of l…
FZR95 updated
5 months ago
Hi, please accept my thanks for development and release of this wonderful board.
There is small issue with device trees which can confuse newcomers like me:
in current linux you provide there, in …
Boot from eMMc fails on on VisionFive 2. On eMMc is writen the the Debian Image (1) with modifications necessary to boot from eMMc. After running the command bellow in U-Boot the system boots fine.
I am trying to get containerd (through docker) to run wasm-files on my VisionFive 2 board which has a RISCV64 processor.
Here are the platform details:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are avai…
The build instructions indicate to use ubuntu 20.04, but when you attempt to go there on the ubuntu web site, it redirects you to an updated version of 20.04.5 which causes more build issues. Don't u…