It came up in the Stacks DeFi working group call that different iterations of sBTC may use different token standards as they come online. If so, then one thing that we'll want to do to support this i…
Something that was brought up many times in the EO working group is that the WAI website has a wealth of information but it can be hard to know how to navigate it, particularly for people new to acces…
Explore what's possible with Fourwinds
Explore and present options for presenting wayfinding and place-based data outside of traditional map interface; ideally adopting an phenomenological approach
Maybe some bulletin boards?
conversation with @philarcher1, cc @nitedog
The wayfinding Icon is missing from the main page.
We know floating GUI are possible, that's HUDs. Menus are just floating HUDs with control taken away from he character. What we don't know is if we can float a GUI in XYZ space and all…
Mostly when we get down to the sub-paragraphs.
![screen shot 2016-02-23 at 11 02 01 am](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4267825/13257597/8e68804a-da1d-11e5-94ff-1413a663ee88.png)