Hi Im a big fan of PiLLLaa. Im always using your filter.
Bases of the Purity ( 3sockets WP7 or WP8) are not found with the latest version although it includes a display condition like below
Can enet support WP8 ?
The library depends on WINMM.Lib, which could not be found in WP8 development.
Is it possible to give support for WP8.1 and greater ?
Thanks for all the good work you create!
I am currently developing a mobile game for Windows Phone 8 using Unity3D ver.4.6.1.
I have implemented the current OpenIaB plugin to the project. However, when I debug the compiled game on a Lum…
We are using your library for android and ios and we want to develop on windows phone .We have a windows phone 8.1 and we have a lot of trouble with compatibilities for technologies .So befor…
Create draft dashboard for WP8 - original is [here](https://github.com/panosc-eu/panosc/wiki/Work-Packages-dashboards)
Any information if there will be wp8 support?
So to be able use phaser
When using windows phone 8.1 with IE 11 (Following latest phone software update),
the call to execScript no longer supported in IE 11
instead we have to call exec and new string[] {command}
This cha…
We should remove that, nobody needs it anymore?
Try MarkDynamic
Try Double Buffer (switch mesh each frame)
I have easily applied push notification service for my android app, but confused how to do in windows phone.
if(device.platform == "Win32NT"){