Load custom FPGA overlay onto PYNQ running on Zybo-Z7 and test its accuracy
- [ ] Overlay loads
- [ ] Validation test runs with accuracy no lower than 93%
- [ ] Througput test runs
I want to get image from Pcam 5C from Ubuntu running on ZYBO-Z7-20.
First, I cloned this repository, and tested pre-built image. I could get camera image by command-line.
Next, To use ubunt…
Use Vivado to create HW for "full" system.
- I2C, UART, Switches, LEDS. GPIO is supported
- HDMI TX is supported
- USB is supported
- Ethernet is supported
- Camera capture is supported
Create and test Petalinux distribution for "full" system. Use programmed device to test Linux functionality. Debug and update as needed.
- [x] Linux boots
- [x] CLI interface is availab…
I have a Zybo Zynq 7000. If that is not easily supported by your tools, can you please provide a recommendation for any open source tools which might support it?
I've been following the Zynq-7000 SoC Embedded Design Tutorial (2023.2) using a Digilent Zybo Z7-20. The cdma-app showed FAIL even though the DMA transfer occurred (I used the Memory inspector to re…
I am trying to implement the Canny edge detection in SDx 2017.4 using the release of 2017.4.
I imported the files in the folder Canny to do so, and I tried to solve some problems related to data type…
In order to access ZYBO Z7-20 without setting IP address manually, it is better to add a static IP address for eth0 as default in creating root file system.
Review major architectures and techniques that are hardware friendly:
- quantization
- binarization (full and partial)
- XNOR networks
- [x] chose network to implement on Zybo-Z7-20
I want to run RISC-V rocket-chip on Zynq FPGA Board (Zybo Z7), what are the constraints I have to add to the project?