A-Raafat / Torcs---Reinforcement-Learning-using-Q-Learning

Lane keeping assistant using Reinforcement learning
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lane-keeping lane-keeping-assistant learning q q-learning reinforcement reinforcement-learning rl torcs torcs-client torcs-rl

Torcs - Reinforcement-Learning

Discretized Q-Learning on Torcs ( Lane keeping assistant )

Output: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxQeiObGM6s


The Open Racing Car Simulator. TORCS is a modern, modular, highly-portable multi-player, multi-agent car simulator. Its high degree of modularity and portability render it ideal for artificial intelligence research.

TORCS can be used to develop artificially intelligent (AI) agents for a variety of problems. At the car level, new simulation modules can be developed, which include intelligent control systems for various car components. At the driver level, a low-level Application program interface (API) gives detailed (but only partial) access to the simulation state. This could be used to develop anything from mid-level control systems to complex driving agents that find optimal racing lines, react successfully in unexpected situations and make good tactical race decisions. Each on-going race is referred to as a simulation in TORCS and is described through many different data structures. The race situation is updated every 2 milliseconds (500 Hz), including updating the various mathematical models governing the physics of the race, e.g. motion and positioning of the cars and other objects.


The Open Car Racing Simulator1 is a highly customizable, open source car racing simulator that provides a sophisticated physics engine, 3D graphics, various game modes, and several diverse tracks and car models. Because of this, it has been used in the Simulated Car Racing championship since 2008

Normally, the cars in TORCS have access to all information, including the environment and, to a certain degree, other cars. This is not representative of autonomous agents acting in the real world. The server acts as a proxy for the environment and the client provides the control for a single car. The controllers run as external programs and communicate with a customized version of TORCS through UDP connections. The server sends the client the available sensory input. In return, it receives the desired output of the actuators This separates the controller from the environment, allowing it to be treated as an autonomous agent

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TORCS Sensors

Sensor Definition
Angle Angle between the car direction and the direction of the track axis
CurLapTime Time elapsed during current lap
Damage Current damage of the car (the higher is the value the higher is the damage)
distFromStartLine Distance of the car from the start line along the track line
distRaced Distance covered by the car from the beginning of the race
Fuel Current fuel level
Gear Current gear: -1 is reverse 0 is neutral and the gear from 1 to 6
lastLapTime Time to complete last lap. Opponents: Vector of 36 sensors that detects the opponent distance in meters (range is [0,100]) within a specific 10 degrees sector: each sensor covers 10 degrees, from -π to +π around the car
racePos Position in the race with respect to other cars
rpm Number of rotations per minute of the car engine
speedX Speed of the car along the longitudinal axis of the car
speedY Speed of the car along the transverse axis of the car
track Vector of 19 range finder sensors: each sensor represents the distance between the track edge and the car. Sensors are oriented every 10 degrees from -π/2 and +π/2 in front of the car. Distance are in meters within a range of 100 meters. When the car is outside of the track (i.e. track Pos is less than -1 or greater than 1), these values are not reliable!
trackPos Distance between the car and the track axis. The value is normalized w.r.t. the track width: it is 0 when the car is on the axis, -1 when the car is on the left edge of the track and +1 when it is on the right edge of the car. Values greater than 1 or smaller than -1 means that the car is outside of the track
wheelSpinVel Vector of 4 sensors representing the rotation speed of the wheels

TORCS Control Actions

Action Description
Accel Virtual gas pedal (0 means no gas, 1 full gas)
Brake Virtual brake pedal (-1 means no brake, 1 full brake)
Gear Gear value
Steering Steering value: -1 and +1 means respectively full left and right, that corresponds to an angle of 0.785398 rad
Meta This is meta-control command: 0 Do nothing, 1 ask competition server to restart the race



It’s clear that most of the sensor readings represent car states and it is very important for control the car

The states are the speed along the track, the position on the track, the angle with respect to the track axis and five distance sensors that measure the distance to the edge of the track. Note that the track may contain a gravel trap or a bank of grass, which means that the edge of the track might be further away than the edge of the actual road. The 20◦ inputs are not taken directly from sensors 7 and 11, but computed as an average over sensors 6, 7, 8 and 10, 11, 12, respectively, to account for noise

Sensor State Description
speedX Speed of the car along the longitudinal axis of the car
Angle Angle between the car direction and the direction of the track axis
Track pos Distance between the car and the track axis
track Distance sensor at −40◦, −20◦, 0◦, 20◦, 40◦ Distance between the car and track [5, 7, 9, 11, 13]

2. Actions

There are five action dimensions available in TORCS accelerate, brake, gear, meta and steer. Since braking is simply a negative acceleration, we shall view this as the negative side of the same dimension.

The basic controller of the SCR

Name Range Description
Accel [0,1] Virtual gas pedal (0 means no gas, 1 full gas)
Brake [0,1] Virtual brake pedal (0 means no brake, 1 full brake)
Gear -1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 Gear value
Steer [-1,1] Steering value: -1 and +1 means respectively full right and left
Meta 0 or 1 This is meta-control command: 0 do nothing, 1 ask competition server to restart the race

3. Rewards

Due to random actions there are good actions and bad actions, we want to achieve our target so we want to prevent the car to

To calculate the rewards, we have 3 situations:

  1. Car make good lane keeping

    • the reward will be positive and high if the distance was long and in general it has a continuous range from [-1,1]
  2. Stop in certain position

    • the reward will be negative and equal to -1
  3. The car goes out of the track

    • the reward will be negative and equal to -1 and we will restart the race

The Game Loop

To understand how the agent works, it is important to know what the game loop looks like. Each game tick the SCR server asks the driver to return an action by calling its drive. The drive function consists of two parts: one that checks whether the agent is stuck or outside the road and one that handles action selection and learning.

The code consists of :

1. carControl

It has the control functions that control the car in game, by giving it values then it parses it and sends it to the server to move the car with the given actions.

2. carState

It has all the sensor values, distance from start, damage taken and everything else describes the car state.

3. msgParser

It has a UDP message builder and receiver for the server-client communication. It builds the messages of the control actions and sends it to the server then receives the UDP messages from the server which is the car state.

4. pyclient

It is the client code that connects to the server host given a specific port and socket and then calls the driver function which is our game loop and then uses the msgParser to transfer the UDP messages to the server

Drive implementation

1. CheckStuck

This function check that the car is stuck or not, If the car's angle is larger than 45 degrees, it is considered stuck. If it is stuck for more than 25 game ticks and the traveled distance is less than 0.01m, the episode ends. Every time the agent is not stuck, the stuck timer is reset to zero.

2. Learning Interface

The primary function of the learning interface is to do action selection and call the update function of the learning algorithm. Learning interface consists of GetState, ActionSelection, RewardFunction and QtableUpdate.

Learning Interface steps:

1. GetState

First, we discretize the distance sensor and speed values as follows:

2. ActionSelection

We discretized the actions into 15 discrete values as follows:

Steer Accelerate(1) Neutral(0) Brake(-1)
0.5(left) 0 1 2
0.1(left) 3 4 5
0 6 7 8
-0.1(right) 9 10 11
-0.5(right) 12 13 14

Action selection is based on a random number between 0 and 1 Policy(s) = Informed if num < eta Random if num < eta+epsilon Max action otherwise

Every time step there is a probability of taking a heuristic action, a probability of taking a random action, and a probability of taking a greedy action (max action).

The heuristic action is more used as a guide than as a teacher. Therefore, the random exploration is necessary to learn to improve upon the heuristic policy. Max action is the action which has the highest Q-value in the Q-table given the current state.

3. RewardFunction

We have 3 different scenarios:

It takes -2 reward and sends a meta action to restart the episode, because it is an undesirable action, therefore we make sure it never happens again

It takes -1 reward

It takes a reward depending on track position, angle and travelled distance with a max value of 1

4. QtableUpdate

First, we check if the current state already exists in the table, if not we create it in the Q-table initialized with 0 for all actions.

Then, using the current state, the previous state, action and reward we update the Q-values of the previous state

It is possible for multiple actions to have the same value, for example when a new state is explored and all values are unknown (and all have default value 0). Then, the agent must make a decision based on something other than the value. It could pick an action based on some heuristic, or simply the first action that popped up.


Daniel Karavolos's Masters research Q-learning with heuristic exploration in Simulated Car Racing

Eng. Mohamed Abdou's Masters research