A simple WhatsApp Bot Created By ASWIN SPARKY πŸ’—
220 stars 3.52k forks source link

X BOT MD MD V-3.2.0 (BETA)

This bot is still under development so if you want to use it, please check this main repo every day and update your "FORKED REPO" because i am continuously debugging it and making major changes in it

## _[Update My Repo](https://github.com/A-S-W-I-N-S-P-A-R-K-Y/X-BOT-MD/wiki/FORK-UPDATE)_



## _[External Plugins](https://github.com/A-S-W-I-N-S-P-A-R-K-Y/X-BOT-MD/wiki)_ ## _[Basic usage helper](https://github.com/A-S-W-I-N-S-P-A-R-K-Y/X-BOT-MD/wiki)_
### FORK THIS REPO 1. Must Fork This Repo Before Deployment !
### SCAN QR 2. Scan the QR and get the SESSION ID
**Server 1** SCAN QR **Server 2** SCAN QR #### DEPLOY ON RENDER 1. If You don't have a account in Render. Create a account.
Replit 2. Now Deploy DEPLOY
youtube #### DEPLOY TO HEROKU 1. If You don't have a account in Heroku. Create a account.
2. Now Deploy
DEPLOY #### DEPLOY TO KOYEB 1. If You don't have a account in koyeb. Create a account.
koyeb 2. Get [Koyeb api key](https://app.koyeb.com/account/api) 4. Now Deploy
DEPLOY #### DEPLOY ON RAILWAY 1. If You don't have a account in Railway. Create a account.
Replit 2. Now Deploy
DEPLOY #### DEPLOY ON MOGENIUS 1. If You don't have a account in Replit. Create a account.
Replit 2. Now Deploy
DEPLOY #### DEPLOY TO REPLIT 1. If You don't have a account in Replit. Create a account.
2. Now Deploy
DEPLOY * Now fork it and enjoy πŸ—ΏπŸ™ŒπŸ»
#### Thanks To
Read More
* [`EX-KRIZ`](https://github.com/EX-KRIZ) * [`VIPER`](https://github.com/Viper-X0) * [`KICHU`](https://github.com/KichuExe)