A1y0sh4 / The-Great-Unciv-Rework

Enhanced Gameplay
33 stars 8 forks source link
mod unciv unciv-mod unciv-mod-fun unciv-mod-rulesets

What is "The Great Unciv Rework"

It's an ambitious project that aims to modifiy the game, without removing the vanilla feeling. It includes: civs, buildings and policies, and offers the player new original mechanics to play with. Few years ago I had the idea to create my own first mod and this led me to this project; I hope that you shall appreciate the passion I put in my work as much I enjoyed coding it.

How to install

This mod counts as a rulesets. This means that It completly replaces the vanilla code and, as such a type of mod, it can be applied to the base game in the game-creator screen not among the Extension mods, but in the Base Ruleset section

Screenshot (130)

Notable Game-changer features

-All Civs and most Beliefs and Policies have been completly reworked as such their game stategies. I suggest the players to try reinventing their stategies in their most creative ways.

-Most Resources are not revealed until the discovery of a tech, making some combinations stategical in the early-game

-Its been added 6 new resources, 1 Bonus (Grapes) and 5 Luxuries (Beer, Vodka, Whisky, Rum, Cognac)

-Its been added 6 new alcohol buildings that grant alcohol luxuries (France and the Celts also have new Unique Buildings)

-It's been added new Natural Wonders (and now all Natural Wonders give their yields without having to be worked)

-It's been added a religious victory and some civs have it as their favourite one (Byzantium, Celts, The Ottomans, Spain, Arabia, Ethiopia, Siam)

-It's been added the ability to relocate your Capital (by selling your Palace and rebuilding it in any city that you want). Now We Love The King Day also give +15% Gold and Production in Capital and Palaces are built twice as fast when under the value -10 Happiness.

-Scouts is now the ancient era starting unit

-It's lowered the amount of unhappiness required to spawn rebels (from 20 to 10)

-Cities in Fresh water obtain a growth bonus (+15%)

-City-States bonuses have been completly reworked

-Buildings and Roads Upkeep raise by +5% each time you get into the next era (up to +35%)

-The maintainance of ALL military units is raised by +4% per era, but some UnitsTypes receive an additional raise

(Mounted: +25%, Water: +50%, Air: +75%, Armored: +75%, Helicopter: +75%, Nuclear Weapons: +300%)

-Enemy spies act with a malus in garrisoned cities (-25%)

Main War-related changes

-Considering the fact that mainteining an army will be a serious investment, the early game will see a decline in snow-balling battles and the late one will witness to a lower number of wars founded merely on the strenght's number. Now the battlefield won't just host bloody conflicts based on the scientifical/industrious levels of the two opponents, but also a major one about their economical situations.

-Army Upkeep raises by +5% each time you get into the next era (up to +35%)

-Melee units automatically plunder little amounts of Gold (up to a max of 10) when attacking

-Great General points are offered by buildings (Barracks, Armories, Military Academies) and Wonders (Statue of Zeus, Alhambra, Himeji Castle, Kremlin, Brandenburg Gate, Pentagon)

-Great Generals are gained 2x slower when at peace

-Barracks and Armories give XP on contruction for Land units, while the Harbor and Seaport for the Water ones (Military Academies gives XPs to both of them)

-Most Water and Air units have been (slightly) buffed in order to compensate their higher maintainance costs and to make them a viable alternative to the Land ones

-Most upgrade-chains have been reworked, mainly in order to avoid to keep passing from a UnitType to Another (ex: Pikemans do not upgrade to Lancer, but to Musketman; Lancer are upgraded from Knights)

-Scouts have been reworked: now they have both a pecultiar XP and upgradable tree

-Most late-game units have received a required resource (especially Siege units in order to avoid making Iron useless in later eras)

-Ranged Mounted units now have 1 Range, higher Strengh, and count as Mounted units (instead of ranged ones, this means that they have a malus against anti-cavalry units)

-The Horde is the new Barbarian replacement for the War Chariot

Where can I find you?

-If you have any suggestion to make, any bug to report, or you are just looking for a quick way to contact me, here's my mod's official Discord thread: https://discord.com/channels/586194543280390151/1071804673956266096