A554551N / chorumfur-bot

A bot to manage a custom discord
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Welcome to Chorumfur-Bot

What Am I?

Chorumfur-Bot is a database-backed custom discord bot implemented in discord.py to facilitate the Discord sim-game Chorumfurs.


Game Commands

.joinGame - Adds you to the game's database and allows you to participate in the game.

.me - Displays details about your user account

.help - Displays a help message detailing the bot's capabilities. Use .help <command> for more details about a particular command.

Chorumfur Commands

.myLair - Displays a list of all of your chorumfurs.

.getCreature <creature id> - Displays detailed information about the chorumfur whose ID you specify.

.giveCreature <creature ID> @user - Gives a chorumfur with the ID you specify to the user you @mention.

.renameCreature <creature ID> <new name> - Updates a Chorumfur's name in the database.

Breeding Commands

.crystal - Displays how many days until your breeding crystal is fully charged. You need a fully charged crystal to breed chorumfurs.

.breed <parent A> <parent B> - Initiates a request for breeding for two chorumfurs. If you don't own both of the creatures in question, it will submit a request to the owner of the other chorumfur. Your breeding crystal isn't consumed until the recipient of the request agrees to the pairing.

Breed requests are sent to the artist for fulfillment (see Ticket Commands below)

.acceptBreeding <Ticket ID> - Accept a request for someone to breed their chorumfur with yours. You'll be @ mentioned when a request for breeding is created. If you wait more than 30 days to respond, the ticket is automatically cancelled.

.declineBreeding <Ticket ID> - The inverse of the above. This command declines another user's request for breeding. When you decline a breeding, the ticket is immediately cancelled and the user is notified of your decision.

Ticket Commands

.myTickets - Displays a list of all of your breeding requests.

.getTicket <Ticket ID> - Displays more data about a given ticket.

.cancelTicket <Ticket ID> - Cancels an in-progress ticket. This cannot be reversed, be careful!

Inventory Commands

.inventory - Displays all of the items in your inventory

.getItem <Item ID> - Displays details about an item

.shop - COMING SOON Displays the shop interface so that you can buy items.

.wallet - COMING SOON Displays the amount of currency in your wallet.

Admin Commands

These commands will only work for users with the Admin role.

.addItemToInv <Item ID> <user_id> <quantity> - Adds an item to a specified user in a specified quantity. If no user ID is specified, adds the item to your inventory. If no quantity is specified, adds one.

.removeItemFromInv <Item ID> <user_id> <quantity> - Removes an item from a specified user in a specified quantity. If no user ID is specified, removes the item from your inventory. If no quantity is specified, removes one.

.makeCreature <name> <main horn> <cheek horn> <face horn> <tail> <tail tip> <fluff> <mutation> <owner> - Adds a custom creature to the game. The owner parameter is optional. If not included, adds the chorumfur to your lair.

.makeRandomCreature <name> - Creates a fully randomized chorumfur and adds them to your lair.

.adminBreed <creature a> <creature b> - Adds a breeding request to the ticket queue without draining a user's breeding crystal.

.updateImage <creature ID> <URL of image> - Replaces an existing chorumfur image with a new one specified by the user.

.advanceTicket <Ticket ID> - Advances a ticket's status to the next type

.showTickets <open|pending> - Displays a summary view of all tickets in the queue. Can show all open tickets or only ones pending artist work.

.getDetailedTicket <Ticket ID> - Displays a detailed view of a given ticket. Includes all of the details of the chorumfur litter.

.getAllItems - Displays a list of all items currently implemented in the game.