AA0100000101000001 / Omnitrix

Replica of the Omnitrix from the Ben 10 Classic series using esp32
MIT License
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Ordered the PCB shield I made for ESP32-S3-LCD-1.28 and if it works then I'll upload the production files. Meanwhile I'll change the Esp32 Dev Board to Esp32-S3-Pico

Work in Progress


This project is meant to be a replica of the Omnitrix from the Ben 10 Classic series and be as accurate as possible when it comes to operating it like in the series. I started it to learn how to develop a mechatronic project using the ESP32. It started with a ESP32 Development Board - NodeMCU-32S2 module but I found out that there are other boards with an embedded LCD module on the market that are better to use. I decided to use ESP32-S3-LCD-1.28 for now to learn how to make PCBs and rotary encoders in hopes that the size of the final Omnitrix core can be reduced.

In Omnitrix-Test-Files repository I am documenting varius tests for the features.
I am also planning to develop an ESP-IDF framework version. See the ESP-IDF-Omnitrix-Tests repository for testing the features (On hold).

Video showcasing a first test of the project with most of the features included:



These are instructions on how to use with a Esp32 Development Board to test the code.

You will need:

Follow the schematic on how to connect the wires. Some soldering will be needed to connect the pin headers and the speakers to the Fermion DFPlayer Pro.


EC Buying Display

Uploading The Software

This project uses Arduino IDE to program the Esp32 so you need to install the ESP32 board to it. It also uses Bodmer's TFT_eSPI library for the control of the LCD Display and PNGdec for displaying png images. You can configure the LCD Display pins by editing the TFT_eSPI/User_Setup.h file or you can create a configuration file in TFT_eSPI/User_Setups folder and include it in TFT_eSPI/User_Setup_Select.h instead of User_Setup.h. I have added my configurations in the Supported Displays folder.

/* TFT_eSPI/User_Setup_Select.h */

//#include <User_Setup.h>           // Default setup is root library folder
//#include <User_Setups/Setup302_ESP32S3_GC9A01_TOUCH.h>
#include <User_Setups/Setup303_ESP32S2_GC9A01.h>
//#include <User_Setups/Setup304_ESP32S3_GC9A01.h>
//#include <User_Setups/Setup305_ESP32S3_LCD128.h>

You can check the Omnitrix-Test-Files repository to test the features separately before uploading the code (omnitrix folder) to the MCU. These projects are also helpfull if someone wants to use a different board.

User Setup

Inside the User_Setup folder there are some header files for the pin configuration of non LCD Display parts. You can edit the config_CUSTOM.h file for your own pin configuration or use one of other ones.
Make sure that the pin configuration file is included in User_Setup.h. In this file you can configure hardware and software settings.

/* User_Setup.h */

//Pin configuration
//Edit User_Setups/config_DEFAULT to create your own configuration 
//or uncomment your preferred configuration
//#include "User_Setups/config_CUSTOM.h" //Use your own configuration
#include "User_Setups/config_ESP32_S2_PINOUT.h"  //Esp32-s2 Dev Board
//#include "User_Setups/config_ESP32_S3_PINOUT.h" //Esp32-s3 Dev Board

You can also remove features by commenting the #define X_ENABLED definitions.

For hardware settings:

The only essential features for the software to work are POP_UP_BUTTONS_ENABLED, one option for rotary encoder and one option for external wakeup.
Configuration of external wakeup:

//WAKEUP SETTINGS: Use ext0 or ext1
//1. Uncomment for use of ext0
#define EXT0_ENABLED
//Choose wakeup pin:
//Choose wakeup level:
#define EXT0_WAKEUP_MODE 1
//2. Uncomment for use of ext1
//#define EXT1_ENABLED
//Choose bitmap:
//#define EXT1_BITMASK 0x0020 //gpio 5
//Choose mode:
//ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW: wake up when all GPIOs go low;
//ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH: wake up if any of the GPIOs go high.

Configuration of pop up buttons and rotary encoder:
(Magnetic rotary encoder is not supported yet)

//POP UP BUTTONS SETTINGS: Uncomment for buttons

//ROTARY ENCODER SETTINGS: Use one of these options for rotary encoder
//1. Uncomment for use of micro switches for encoder
//2. Uncomment for use of mechanical encoder
//3. Uncomment for use of magnetic encoder

Configuration of sound:
(Buzzer is not supported yet)

//SOUND SETTINGS: Uncomment for sound

//SOUND HARDWARE SELECTION: Use one of these options for sound
//1. Uncomment for use of Dfplayer Pro for sound
//2. Uncomment for use of buzzer for sound

Configuration of LEDs:
(They are not supported yet)

//LED SETTINGS: Uncomment for LEDs
//#define LEDS_ENABLED

//LED SELECTION: Use one of these options
//1. Uncomment for RGB LEDS
//LED 2. Uncomment for Neopixel ring LEDs
//LED 3. Uncomment for IR controlled LEDs

For software settings:

The only essential setting is one option for the animation. You can configure what kind of animation is being used, if sound will be muted in booting and if demo mode will be enabled (it is not supported right now).


//Choose only one type of animation
//1. Start animation with images
#define START_ANIMATION_WITH_IMAGES //Has memory leaks
//2. Hard coded start animation

//Choose if sound will be muted in booting
//#define SOUND_MUTED_IN_BOOTING //Only if sound is enabled

//Choose if demo is enabled //not implemented yet
//#define DEMO_ENABLED
//Choose only one type of demo
//1. Demo automated display of the features that can go out of that state when a button is pressed
//2. Demo user controlled that can go out of that state from the menu

Remember to enable PSRAM to avoid Guru Meditation Error

Tested With

Board Micro Switches as Rotary Encoder Rotary Encoder Magnetic Rotary Encoder DFPlayer_Pro Sound Buzzer Sound RGB LEDs Tested Neopixel Ring
Waveshare ESP32 Development Board - NodeMCU-32S2 module
Waveshare Esp32-S3-Pico


Current Features: