A Quarto Extension for AAGI Themed Products
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AAGI Extension For Quarto

A quarto extension currently featuring an AAGI theme LaTeX PDF documents and MS Word .docx files as well as a reveal.js format.

See the included template.qmd file for an example of the theme and integration into Quarto or explore the rendered version here.


You can obtain a copy of the extension by using:

cd your_quarto_project_folder
quarto use template AAGI-AUS/AAGIQuarto

This will install the extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your LaTeX PDF, MS Word .docx or reveal.js presentation slides.


For documentation on using reveal.js slides in Quarto, please see, https://quarto.org/docs/presentations/revealjs/.


As we continue to improve this extension through bug fixes or adding new functionality, you can update it easily like so:

cd your_quarto_project_folder
quarto update AAGI-AUS/AAGIQuarto