ABI2026 / st5-escape-to-eclipse

A space story game, about the escape of the human race from earth to another universe to protect its species. During this journey you have to fight against other biological forms of life, repair your spaceship, get new ressources and explore unknown exoplanets. Once you've done, your can enter a parallel universe and build up a new society.
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Prototype GameDev: Escape To Eclipse


A space story game, about the escape of the human race from earth to another universe to protect its species. During this journey you have to fight against other biological forms of life, repair your spaceship, get new ressources and explore unknown exoplanets. Once you've done, your can enter a parallel universe and build up a new society.

Development Start Date: 01.11.2024

Development Instructions (CMake):

Build and Run: ./run.sh

Cmake Configure: cmake ./build

Build Project: cmake --build ./build

Raw Run: cd ./build && ./(executable_file)

Folder Structure and usage of build generator CMAKE

Folder Structure:

|_ ProjectRoot/
|___ /build
|    |___ /bin
|    |   |___ prog (executable)
|    |___ /externals
|       |___ /SFML-2.6.1
|___ /src [Including GameEngine and system relevant includes]
|    |___ /System
|    |___ /...
|    |___ main.cpp
|    |___ CMakeLists.txt [Assigning all lc/ext includes to main.cpp]
|___ /lib [Including entities/players/ships/items/ui ect...]
|    |___ /Entities
|    |___ /Items
|    |___ /UI
|    |___ /...
|    |___ CMakeLists.txt [collection headers and sources]
|___ /data [local binary database]
|___ /ressources
|    |___ /graphics
|    |___ /sounds
|    |___ /...
|___ CMakeLists.txt -> main cmake file
|___ README.md
|___ run.sh [Executes cmake configuration, build and executable]
|___ /...