ABr-hub / PredictiveMaintenance_Bearings

The repository showcases a simple use case of detecting various bearig faults withing an acoustic emission signal via using a convolutional neural network.
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The repository showcases a simple use case of detecting various bearig faults withing an acoustic emission signal via using a convolutional neural network.

(Please be patient this repository is under construction)

Predictive maintenance

In order to retain customers, increase profits and lower production costs, it is essential for it is essential for a company to be competitive on the market and to optimize and to optimize its maintenance process. Having a reliable production line with automated maintenance allows to change parts at the right time to avoid breakdowns and possible malfunctions.

When we talk about quality management system, the ISO 1900 standard is essential. Planning maintenance allows to respect the requirements of this system of this system and to gain the confidence of its suppliers and customers. It is a a recognized guarantee of quality that allows industries to be more efficient in their their organization. By anticipating maintenance, you increase customer satisfaction because stock and production shortages are avoided. In addition, you increase your internal efficiency by reducing repair costs, by increasing the life span of the infrastructure and the working conditions.

On the surface, the maintenance categories all look interchangeable, but there are nuanced differences between reactive, preventive, proactive, and predictive maintenance.


Here the goal is to design a predictive maintenance system by predicting the occurrence of defects in motors using the noise emitted by the motors to determine the type of problem. There are 3 types of defects:

When the engine rotates, the sounds is different and so if we record the sound emitted by the engine, we can predict whether or not the engine is broken and what kind of problem there is.

Aim of the project

In this project a convolutional neural network will be developed to determine the current health state of a bearing. The network will use the raw accoustic emission signal as input, which is convenient since no sophisticated preprocessing is required.

After achieving a good failure detection performance with the network, the data-feature space will be visualized when:

  1. Running through the model
  2. Without any classifier

This will demonstrate the inseparability of the data and the need for a classifier as well as the capability of the network to create dividsible cluster of the data, which represent the separate failure states.

Furthermore we will simulate a 'live'-inference of the trained failure detection model, visualizing the regions of the signal, which were important to the model decision making process. To accomplish this, we will generate an interpolation of the sample signal along a specified path and compute the gradients along that trajectory. Through this analysis, we can infer that the trained model has acquired the ability to discern distinct fault patterns, as evidenced by its response to variations along the interpolation path.

(The below shown results of this algorithm are taken from the accompanying notebook)

About the data

The data consists in 4 audios of 12 seconds each of the different engines.


[1] https://www.spotfire.com/content/dam/spotfire/images/graphics/inforgraphics/predictive-maintenance-diagram.svg (1st image)
[2] https://cdn.nmbtc.com/uploads/2019/04/what-is-a-ball-bearing-ball-bearing-components.jpg (2nd image)